E-BOOK "INTRODUCTION TO TRIZ. BASIC CONCEPTS AND APPROACHES" (THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE G.S. ALTSHULLER FOUNDATION) You can download from this page the e-book “Introduction to TRIZ: Basic Concepts and Approaches” (in Russian), Version 1.02. The file is approximately 2.9 megabytes. |
The book comprises a systematic description of the basic concepts, terms, models and approaches of TRIZ-RTV-TRTL, as presented by the first proponent of the theory, Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller.
First and foremost, the book is aimed at those interested in TRIZ-RTV-TRTL, as well as at those who teach the theory. To download the e-book, click here: http://www.altshuller.ru/download/triz1.zip
Your opinions, questions and any other materials concerning any version of the e-book “Introduction to TRIZ. Basic Concepts and Approaches” may be sent to the following address: books@triz-chance.com.
E-book “Introduction to TRIZ. Basic Concepts and Approaches”. © The rights holders of the texts of G.S. Altshuller ; © Programming and design: TRIZ-CHANCE System.