Официальный фонд Г.С. Альтшуллера

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The website of the Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation was created five years ago.  This is the Foundation’s fifth annual report presented on the birthday of Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller, the creator of TRIZ (http://www.altshuller.ru/biography).

Since the site’s inception, it has had over 600,000 visits.

Over the past year, the Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation has relocated from the city of Petrozavodsk to Saint-Petersburg.  The archives of both Genrikh Altshuller and Valentina Zhuravleva have also been moved there.

The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation published a new, revised, edition of the e-book “Introduction to TRIZ: Basic Concepts and Approaches” (http://www.altshuller.ru/e-books).  Over the past year, more than 11, 300 copies of the e-book have been downloaded from the foundation’s server (it’s been also downloaded from numerous other servers). Overall, in the past five years, the number of the downloads has exceeded 91,570.

In 2008, “Alpina Business Books” published a new edition of G.S. Altshuller’s “To Find an Idea” (http://www.alpina.ru/book/462).

The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation still considers its primary mission to promote, according to Genrikh Altshuller’s will, a free dissemination of TRIZ.  To this end, the Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation  has been publishing many original and foundational works on TRIZ.

1. Presently, the site contains 581 works by both Genrikh Altshuller (http://www.altshuller.ru/biography) and Valentina Zhuravleva (http://www.altshuller.ru/vested).  Some new photographs have been added to the site.  After a brief intermission in the Foundation’s activity, caused by its relocation,  the Foundation resumed the preparation of new materials (manuscripts, little-known and earlier unpublished papers, including  works on TRIZ, CID (Creative Imagination Development), TCPD (Theory of Creative Personality Development), as well as letters, and various photo, video, and audio materials).

The following materials have been first published in the past year:

– G.S. Altshuller, R.B. Shapiro, “A chemical apparatus for oxygen production,” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz67.asp

– G.S. Altshuller, "The treasure of Captain Flint” (in Spanish),  http://www.altshuller.ru/triz20.asp

– G.S. Altshuller, “Standards 1-5 for solving inventive problems,” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/standards1.asp

– G. Altov, “A Searing Mind,” http://www.altshuller.ru/rtv/science-fiction-stories27.asp

– G.S. Altshuller, “To Raise the Flag,” (this is Chapter 10 of the first book on TRIZ, “How to Learn to Invent”), http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz66.asp

– V.N. Zhuravleva, “Four Small Marble Elephants,” http://www.altshuller.ru/rtv/science-fiction029.asp

– The script of the fourth and final episode of a discussion “Battle with a Shadow” that Genrikh Altshuller prepared for a TV program “Ideas wanted,” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz65.asp

– V.N. Zhuravleva, “All the Truth of the Pearl Lightings,” http://www.altshuller.ru/rtv/science-fiction028.asp

– Two Altshuller letters.

– Two shots from the documentary film, “The Algorithm of Invention.”

2. The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation  continues to publish on its site the first book on TRIZ – G.S. Altshuller’s “How to Learn to Invent” (1961).  The following chapters have been posted there:

• Chapter 1. "Rules for the Direction of Mind…," http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz49.asp
• Chapter 2. “Little Ghosts,” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz50.asp
• Chapter 3. “After the Words Differs By,” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz53.asp
• Chapter 4. “Four Problems,” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz54.asp
• Chapter 5. “Inventor and Designer,” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz55.asp
• Chapter 6. “Step by Step,” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz57.asp
• Chapter 7. “Search? Yes, a Systematic Search!” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz58.asp
• Chapter 8. "By Nature’s “Patents”," http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz62.asp
• Chapter 9. "Seeing the Trees Behind the Woods,” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz64.asp
• Chapter 10. "To Raise the Flag," http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz66.asp
• Chapter 11. "The First Step," http://www.altshuller.ru/triz/triz68.asp

The Foundation’s site provides its visitors with an opportunity for a self-paced distance learning.

3. The following materials are available on the site:

3.1. 35 lessons for adults. It’s recommended to begin the study with G.S. Altshuller’s “Formulae for a Talented Thinking: Prelude for a Theory,” http://www.altshuller.ru/triz7.asp

3.2. 55 lessons for middle- and high-school children, http://www.altshuller.ru/school/

4. Projects of the Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation.

i. Over the past year, the Foundation has authorized the translation of several works by G.S. Altshuller into Hebrew, Japanese, and Spanish.  G.S. Altshuller’s articles from the magazine “Technology and Science” have been posted on the site’s Spanish page.
ii. Over 150 topics are being discussed on the professional forum TRIZ-CID-TDCP,  http://www.triz-ri.ru/forum/?cat=67#beg.
iii. 14 opinion polls have been conducted among the site’s visitors. The results of these polls are posted at: http://www.altshuller.ru/vote.
iv. The Foundation is conducting negotiations with several Russian and foreign publishers concerning some books and other works by G.S. Altshuller.

b. Other actions of the Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation.

i. Over 1,000 books, including some from G.S. Altshuller’s private library, were donated to several town libraries in Russia.

ii. The Petrozavodsk Regional Museum (Republic of Karelia) received some personal artifacts belonging to G.S. Altshuller, including a pen writing set, photographic camera, home movie camera, and others.  That was a second donation of this kind.

The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation (http://www.altshuller.ru/fond.asp) is grateful to the following colleagues:

– Tatyana Zagorodnov (Argentina), Juan Carlos Nishiyama (Argentina), and Carlos Eduardo Requena (Argentina) – for the translation to Spanish of several articles by G.S. Altshuller as well as Foundation’s official reports and newsletters.
– Andrei Cheremsky (Israel) and Israela Bekker (Israel) – for the translation to Hebrew a Genrikh Altov sci-fi story.
– Vladimir Petrov (Israel) – for his help in preparing a G.S. Althsuller manuscript for publication. 
– Alexander Kislov, Alexander Selyutsky, and Valentina Kryachko – for their assistance in the relocation of G.S. Altshuller’s private archive to St. Petersburg.
– Oleg Gerasimov and Simon Litvin (Algorithm, Inc.) – for technical assistance.
-  Victor Fey – for the translation to English of the Foundation’s official reports.

The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation greatly appreciates the technical support provided by Sychev and Co, Inc., TRIZ-CHANCE SYSTEM, Inc., as well as by I.L. Vikentiev (http://www.triz-chance.ru/vikent.html), G.B. Sokolov (http://www.triz-chance.ru/sokoloff_g.html), and S.V. Sychev  (http://www.triz-ri.ruhttp://www.triz-ri.ru/authors/sychev_bio.asp).

The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation (http://www.altshuller.ru/fond.asp) always responds to all letters and inquires.  Our new address is: The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation, P.O. Box 10, St.Petersburg, Russia, 195256.
Larisa Komarcheva
Executive Director
The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation larisa-komarcheva@yandex.ru

The website of the Official G.S. Altshuller foundation
was developed by
"Sychev & Co" Ltd. (TRIZ-RI Group),
Webmaster: R.A.Lushov